2s-Space Emoticons v1.0 | Download
20 ico, png and gif files for free download. (via2s-Space)
2s-Space Emotions v2.0 | Download
PNG files 256×256 (px) size and 20 ico files (via 2s-Space)
Text (via Kol)
The Blacy shows the world’s worst simles to you. PNG + ICO files.128X128 (px) size. (via Rokey)
Zip-File contains = 18 PNG Files 200×200 and 18 PNG Files 100×100. (via Pinkheaven)
Emix 1 Emoticons Pack | Download
12 emoticons (12 – 100*100 px, and 12 – MSN smiley (la animated)) (via Steiner Szebasztián)
SWF download for cute emoticons, sexy girl emoticons, BebeDemon emoticons, CHampignon Mignon emoticons and Gothique Girl emoticons. (via Malycia)
Emoticons from ICQ4 | Download
Emoticons from ICQ4 for Trillian 3.xx (works on Trillian 2.xx too) (via dxdezign)
This kind of expressions are quite useful in Japanese manga. Different eyebrown’s shape, the mouth and eye’s size, etc combines a different expressions. (via Iris Zeible)
A Zip file with each one as a 25 x 25 and 50 x 50 and 100 x 100 gif (via Penny)
These emoticons work best on dark backgrounds. (via Plasticmice)
Onion Head Emoticons| Download
Onion Head emoticons are images used for expressing Onion Head emotions in a virtual environment. (via Cute Factor)
POPO Emotions Full Version | Download
POPO emotions + addon version icon pack. ICO and PNG files (via Rokey)
This Pack contains 32 weird emoticons. (via Parampaa)
Monkey Emoticons Set | Download
FREE! All of Monkey Emoticons and other cute icons for your forums & webboard. (via Laymark)
IconTexto Emoticons | Download
Download this free Windows Vista icon pack for your Website or Application. 14 icons in formats PNG (256×256, 128×128, 48×48, 32×32, 16×16) and ICO (256×256, 128×128, 48×48, 32×32, 16×16). (via Bruno Maia)
20 Gigantimotes with 40px x 40px dimension. (via Sereneworx)
Emotubbles is a new way to express your emotions. The word “Emotubbles” is the union of two words: Emotions and Bubbles. (via Supratim Nayak)
13 Shrek emoticons free download with 70 x 70 dimension. (via Leon Gao)
More than 20 emoticons full size (600×600) customizable with the PSD file integrated. (via Dorian Filippi)
Tango Emotes – Devil Extension | Download
Contains Devil’s PSD file large size (600×600), which can be customized. (via Dorian Filippi)
28 "Say" emoticons for free download. (via Lokidest)
30 expressive mofos bluemoticons PSD file for download. (via Manicho)
14 emotion icons for free download with Windows, Mac and Linux version. (via YellowIcon)
In the pack there is 40 emoticons with random expressions and characters. (via Bad-Blood)
Another new 41 Yolks emoticons with bigger canvas 256×256 and addional hair. (via Bad-Blood)
Vista Style Emoticons Icons | Download
Vista Style Emoticons Icons with 256 x 256px and 48 x 48px dimensions.(via Icons-Land)
Very Emotional Emoticons | Download
40 PNG and ICO smiles for Very Emotional Emoticons with 128 x 128, 64 x 64 and 32 x 32. (via LazyCrazy)
Chibi Marluxia Emoticons | Download
These are Chibi Marluxia Emoticons the author made for the MSN/Windows Live instant messengers. There are 24 50×50 pixel animated emoticons in this set. (via Yvonne)
Chibi Xion Emoticons | Download
These are emoticons of Xion, a character from Kingdom Hearts 358/2. (via Yvonne)
Bunny Emoticon Pack | Download
30 bunny expressions emoticons pack. (via Aimee5)
55 Blue Animated Emoticons | Download
55 blue animated emoticons for free download. (via Ceativesplash)
Download all the separate emoticons with transperant backrounds. (via Tony)
Emoticon Starter Pack | Download
Emoticons kit for beginners. All you have to do is cut and paste the different parts of the emoticon and you have an emoticon! (via Wooded Wolf)
Almost every DA emote is in this set, excluding admin emotes (except core admin, they’re included), bullets, stars, etc. (via Devart-Critic)
One piece emotions with 19 gif files. (via Kirozeng)
Kemonoart Emoticon Pack | Download
All of these emoticons were made to go with the Official Kemonoart Forum skin. (via Morningstar)
Jimo is a pack of 15 simple emoticons. Inside the download you’ll find a Adium Emoticon Set, the 15 emoticons as plain PNGs and a base PSD to create your own emoticons. (via Ebcube)
52 animated emoticons pack with 12 different colors available. (via Creativesplash)
11 emoticons, 5 animated and 6 static. (via Ransie)