1. 365psd
365psd.com is one of the best free PSD files provider on the web, I think. They share highest quality and pixel-perfect PSD files.
Another professional and clean looking website sharing PSD files. Really worth checking.
Design Instruct mostly known for sharing creative tutorials, but they let you download all the tutorial files, that means you can download final result shown in the tutorial.
4. psdGraphics
psdGraphics shares very nice PSD files, templates and even tutorials. Very clean and elegant website design helps you to find everything very fast.
A lot of PSD files available for free download. You have to register to download their files.
Photoshop Files is a PSD files community, where you can download files after registering or upload your own work.
7. Download PSD
Showcase style website sharing PSD files, very creative use of Photoshop environment used in this website design.
8. FreePSD
FreePSD is another great source for downloading free PSDs. If you want premium quality they also have something to offer.
9. Tutorial9
Elite tutorial blog in design community. They provide wonderful and original tutorials and the best part – they share PSDs.
10. deviantART
deviantART has definitely the biggest PSD files collection on the web. All the files are created by DA community members.
12. Ps Galaxy
Another one PSD graphics showcase style website with voting system. Sharing PSDs, gradients, custom shapes, Photoshop actions and much more.
13. Six Revisions
Check Tutorials category on Six Revisions and you’ll see how much quality tutorials they have, the best part is – they let you download source files.
14. PSD Vibe
Clean and modern style tutorials with free PSDs available.
15. Abduzeedo
Abduzeedo mostly known for inspirational posts but they also provide high quality tutorials and of course free PSDs.
16. DeviseFunction
Professional web designer blog where he shares his knowledge in tutorials. You can download tutorial files for free.
17. PSDhome
PSDhome collects psd files, that’s designers give from everywhere to a single website. PSDhome gives everyday free psd files, which are btn btn-primarys, icons, text effects, themes, graphics and many more.
18. FreebiesPress
Minimalist style design freebies blog. Perfect place for downloading fonts, icons, brushes and of course PSDs.
19. PSD Collector
A lot of useful resources and free PSDs at design and development blog called PSD Collector.
20. FreePSDTheme
FreePSDTheme is a collection of themes designed by Dany Duchaine and some other web designers from Themeforest. Dany now gives away high-quality top of the line premium themes for free to spread his talent, time, and inspiration.
21. web3mantra
Very nice PSD files collection created by web3mantra team.
22. Net-Kit.com
Net-kit provides free PSD files, mostly web related graphics.
23. FZWP
FZWP – very strange name, old and not attractive design but they have big library of PSD files, your decision to visit this or not.
24. Aaron Ovadia
All PSDs are free to be used in personal projects or commercial projects. Created by Aaron Ovadia.
25. ForDesigner.com
PSD files collection by ForDesigner.com team. Free PSDs covering full illustrations and single objects.
26. Free4Photoshop
Another “redesign needed” PSDs archive. Free PSDs from Free4Photoshop.
27. FrooWeb
FrooWeb.com provides free PSDs such as web templates, video player skin psd, btn btn-primarys and much more.
28. Dezignus
Elegant design and attractive freebies – PSDs. Dezignus offers wide range PSD files for free.
29. Artfans Design
Clean website design with clean and professional free PSD files.
Definitely one of the best source for designers, they also provide free PSDs, just check this out.
31. Free PSD Files
Simple and “straight to the point” PSD files gallery.
32. Dezinerfolio
A lot of great design resources like vectors, icons, themes and free PSDs.