街头艺术画是一种比较奇特的画派,画家们需要观察“画布”的布景,还要考虑到周边的街景,画一个街头艺术 画不难,但如果做到唯妙唯肖确是非常不容易的事情。分享35个与博物馆或画廊完全不同的艺术作品,与君共赏。
原文:Street art actually refers to artwork that is created in public spaces by individuals; it is different from artwork that is created or sponsored by the city governments. It is a freestyle form of artwork that includes working with different materials and a unique style which is developed by street artists. Street art stays on the street and public places where everyone can see and enjoy and this is one of the advantages of street art unlike artwork that is locked away in museums or exhibitions.