jQuery Image Zoom效果,非常的与众不同,被广泛用于商品展示方面,收集12个jQuery插件,收藏起来,哪天找的话,翻翻就出来了。
Cloud Zoom is a jQuery plugin comparable to commercial image zoom products such as Magic Zoom. Compared to the popular jQZoom plugin, Cloud Zoom is smaller, has more features and more robust compatability across browsers.
Nivo Zoom is jQuery plugin that allows you to zoom the image in full size or as lighbox. Its main feature is that you can determine the location of larger images of these miniatures. Zoom is a cross-Nivo browser plug-ins and tested on the following browsers: Internet Explorer 7 +, Firefox 3+, Google Chrome 4 and Safari
This is a jQuery plugin that adds a magnifying glass every image on your page. Allows users to zoom in on parts of the image, simply by moving the cursor.
AnythingZoomer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to enlarge any of your Web site, including images, text and other. Working with small area, wide area is hidden, and Zoomer pop-ups to “reveal” a larger area as it rolls of your mouse. Users also can double-click to view larger version.
FancyZoom, a Lightbox alternative which has the zoom effect like a Mac, now ported to jQuery & Prototype. Best of all, now, they can present the HTML.
jQZoom is a JavaScript image magnifier powered by jQuery.This is an easy-to-implement plugin which is very handy, specially, in e-commerce projects & galleries.Also You can use it in product catalogs, image portfolios, maps, etc. jQZoom is a breeze to setup, unobtrusive and works on all major browsers.
FancyBox is a tool for displaying images, html content and multi-media in a Mac-style “lightbox” that floats overtop of web page. It was built using the jQuery library. Licensed under both MIT and GPL licenses
Creating Product Catalog With jQuery Zoom-In
Create Free Online jQuery Catalog With Fancy Zoom
Photo Zoom Out Effect with jQuery
Fancy Thumbnail Hover Effect w/ jQuery
jQuery Thumbnail with Zooming Image and Fading Caption