PixeloPhilia Icon Set & PixeloPhilia2
License: These icon sets have been licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
WPZOOM Developer Icon Set (154 Icons)
License: You are allowed to use these icons anywhere you want, however they would highly appreciate if you would link to the original article.
Ultimate Free Web Designer’s Icon Set (750 Icons)
License: You can freely use this set for both private and commercial projects.
Ultimate Free Web Designer’s Icon Set →
The Graphs 2 (169 Icons)
License: The Graphs 2 has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Frankfurt (266 Icons)
License: These can be used in both in private & commercial projects and has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DEFAULT iCON (173 Icons)
License: Default Icon by interactivemania is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0.
Fugue Updated (3000+ Icons)
License: This set has been licensed under a Royalty-free license agreement.
Mantra (50 Icons)
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Content Management System (CMS) Icon Set (12 Free Icons)
License: You can use the set for all of your projects for free and without any restrictions. You can freely use it for both your private and commercial projects, including software, online services, templates and themes. The set may not be resold, sublicensed or rented.
Content Management System Icon Set →
Reflection (200 Icons)
License: You can use this set for personal and commercial projects, with attribution required.
Once (30 Icons)
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Latté for Developers (17 Icons)
Designer Icons (12 Icons)
License: This Free Icon Pack is for use in your personal and commercial projects, and can be used without attribution. It may not be redistributed.
Project Icons (182 Icons)
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Icons from PinkMoustache.net (120 Icons)
Icons from PinkMoustache.net →
Childish (60 Icons)
License: All icons are free to use for both personal and commercial purposes, with attribution required (you can waive the attribution requirement by paying a small fee).
Circular Icons (100+ Icons)
Bremen (246 Icons)
License: These can be used in both in private & commercial projects and has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
The Go Green! Icon Set (108 Icons)
License: The Go Green! Icon Set is free to use for both your personal and commercial projects but may not be sold or redistributed.
Faenza (44 Icons)
iPhone Style Sidebar Icons (22 Icons)
Mobile Berries (80 Icons)
Great Web Button Set (200 Icons)
License: You can freely use these btn btn-primarys for both your private and commercial projects, including software, online services, templates and themes. However, the set may not be resold, sub licensed, transferred or otherwise made available for use.
NIXUS Icon Pack (60 Icons)
License: This Free Icon Pack is for use in your personal and commercial projects, and can be used without attribution. It may not be redistributed.
Business Icons (26 Icons)
Flag Icon Set (2400 Icons)
License: These icons are donationware.
E-Commerce Icons (30 Icons)
License: This E-Commerce Icons have been released as a royalty-free set with the limitation that you cannot redistribute or resell the files themselves.
Payment Icons Set (18 Icons)
Payment Method Icon Set (48 Icons)
License: The icons are entirely free for personal or commercial use.
NounProject (32 Icons)
Iconic (136 Icons)
License: This set is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.
Marker-Style Icons (20 Icons)
License: This icon set is released under is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Designmoo Pictograms (48 Icons)
gCons (100 Icons)
License: This set has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence but you don’t have to link back in your web sites if you don’t want to.
Tabs – Interface Icons (32 Icons)
Dusseldorf (438 Icons)
License: These can be used in both in private & commercial projects and has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Dortmund (750 Icons)
License: These can be used in both in private & commercial projects and has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Monochrome Symbols Icon Set (20 Icons)
Gentleface (244 Icons)
License: Gentleface has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial — FREE. It allows for use in wireframes, on personal and community web sites, in free and open source software applications and other types of non-commercial usage. You can buy a Royalty Free license for $29.99.
Minimalist Pixel Icon Set (26 Icons)
License: These icons are licenced under a Creative Commons licence, so you are free to do whatever you want with them.
Android Icons Set 2 (30 Icons)
License: There is no license attached to this work. You are free to use them with or without modification.
themr iPhone Icons (73 Icons)
iDroid for Android (52 Icons)
License: These icons can only be used personal use only.
Gesturecons – Multi-Touch Icons
License: Free for all wire-framing purposes and for any reasonable non-commercial purpose, not free to use within your commercial projects.
Gesturecons – Multi-Touch Icons →
Android Style Icons R1 (17 Icons)
HTC Sense UI 2.1 Icons (22 Icons)
Vector Social Media Icons – Update (80 Icons)
License: Free to use for whatever purposes.
Vector Social Media Icons – Update →
Buddycons (126 Icons)
License: These icons are free to use for personal and commercial usage, however, redistribution is not allowed
WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set (500 Icons)
WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set →
Socialmonochromicons v.2.5 (155 Icons)
License: Elegant UI is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Elegant Themes Social Media Icon Set (42 Icons)
Elegant Themes Social Media Icon Set →
MediaLoot Social Media And Blogging Icon Set (65 Icons)
MediaLoot Social Media And Blogging Icon Set →
Iconshock Social Icons (50 Icons)
Eloquence! Icon Set (75 Icons)
Peculiar – Pure CSS Icon Set (45 Icons)
Peculiar is icon package made only in CSS. It was created for sites and web applications that depend on fewer HTTP requests as possible or don't need to use any image at all. The package contains 45 pictograms that are available in 16pixels size.
License: Peculiar is available for free for educational purposes only. Otherwise, for any personal or commercial work a license must be bought. The license costs $25 (USD) and gives you the right to use the pictograms on unlimited sites and/or web applications.