10个免费 photoshop 插件 网页设计师
1. Hexy
Hexy provides you a quicker way to obtain Hex and RGB color code. With this plugin, you can use the eyedropper tool and simply click on the color of the image you want to pick up, and Hexy automatically copies the color to the clipboard for you. That way you can immediately paste it to use it in CSS. It’s a handy tool for color-picking.
Compatibility: Photoshop CC 2014
2. Size Marks
SizeMark allows you to add labels of an object size or the distance between each object using a Marquee tool. SizeMark saves each label created in a new layer so you can customize it whichever way you need e.g. changing the color or adjusting its position. It is essential for when you need to translate PSD into a functional website.
Compatibility: Photoshop CC 2014
3. Pictura
Do you need to insert images in your design? You should install Pictura. Pictura allows you to search and add images to your Photoshop conveniently without leaving your workspace. When installed, Pictura will add a new panel on which you can search any image in any License you need, then insert it to your design immediately.
Compatibility: Photoshop CC 2014
4. Oven
Oven is a nifty plugin that helps you better manage your assets. Photoshop’s Generator allows us to export images in real time but you will have to rename all your layers in order to generate the image correctly and with a proper name. Oven eliminates that hassle.
Compatibility: Photoshop CC and CC 2014
5. Ink
Converting PSD to a functional website is always a tricky process. There is so much detail to examine such as layer styles, font size, font family used, element size and position against other elements. Ink will help you generate these information easily.
6. LayerCraft
LayerCraft is a Photoshop plugin that allows you to export layers into multiple scale. You can export images into @1x
, @2x
and even @3x
(which is required in iOS devices with Retina screen), or mdpi
and xhdpi
for Android. If your daily job is creating UI for mobile interface, this is the tool that saves you a lot of time.
Compatibility: Photoshop CC and CC 2014
7. Composer
Composer improves the Photoshop Layer Comps feature. Rather than have multiple separate files to store every design revision, Layer Comps lets you store and manage them all in a single file. Layer Comps acts similar to a Smart Object. Each may contain a couple of properties such layer styles and blending modes. Composer, in this case, provides the easiest way to update these styles with just a single click.
Compatibility: Photoshop CS5, CS6, and CC
8. Velositey
Velocity is an extension that can help you build web design prototype quickly. Velocitey comes with a handful of preset templates including the grid. It also comes with common layout placeholders for the website header, content and footer. You can add all these components with just a click. It’s literally a time saver (and it’s free).
Compatibility: Photoshop CS6, CC, CC 2014
9. Duplllicator
Duplllicator provides the fastest way to duplicate Photoshop layers or groups. You can specify the number of copies you want and then set the vertical and horizontal spacing of the duplicated layer.
Compatibility: Photoshop CC and CC 2014
10. QuickGuide
QuickGuide helps you draw guidelines in Photoshop. This plugin provides 12 presets for easy addition of guides on one side, two adjacent sides, or all sides of each object. Other features it carries include toggle locking guides and visibility, deleting entire guides or selected ones, and copy-pasting guides.
Compatibility: Photoshop CC 2014
11. Lorem Ipsum Generator
Lorem Ipsum Generator will generate random words or phrases. Rather than having to copy it from some other place, you can generate Lorem Ipsum right from your Photoshop workspace. A couple of options are provided to customize the output. This plugin is also available for Illustrator, InDesign and Dreamweaver.
Compatibility: Photoshop CS5, CS6 and CC
12. Lorem Picsum
Lorem Picsum generates random images rather than text. The image provided is derived from popular movie and TV shows such as Futurama, Rio, The Simpsons, Finding Nemo, and UP.
Compatibility: Photoshop CS6 and CC