原文:Stylish and fresh fonts have huge charm among every designer nowadays, many of them believe that typography is major part of project to make it variant and stand out from other design available in market. For this purpose every designer and print media freak should have a huge collection of fonts. Collection should be diversified and must be kept updated with addition of new fonts as soon as they get released. Through this article, featuring 40 free fresh fonts, we might help you to update your font resources. If used correctly, they can help you to see what kind of extra-ordinary typography skills you posses.
1. Bext type
3. League Ghotic Extended “Italic”
4. Nadia Serif
5. Piron
6. Adelle Basic
7. Acid
8. Melbourne
9. Real origami
10. Crimson Text
12. AGE Free Font
13. Dekar Free Font
14. St Ryde
15. Sertig
16. Font Street cred
18. Balonez Fantasia
19. Raptor Sans
21. St Marie
22. Sumkin Typeface
23. Teardrop
24. Typeface Adec
25. VAL Stencil
26. Coolvetica
27. Haus Sweet Haus
28. Musa Ornata
29. Quadranta
30. Sachiko
31. akaDora
32. Symbola
33. Vegur
34. Cardo
35. Josefin Sans Std
36. Oh! Mai Mai!
38. District Thin
39. Raleway
40. Unite