22个新手 photoshop 文字样式教程
Create a 3D Retro Text Effect Using Layer Styles in Adobe Photoshop
This tutorial will show you how to use layer styles, smart objects, and some other basic elements in Adobe Photoshop to create a simple, retro looking, 3D text effect.
Create 3D Star Light Text Effect in Photoshop
In this tutorial, I will show you the process of creating this 3D star light text effect in Photoshop. We will use a number of manipulation techniques such as layer blending, adjustment layers and various tools such as brush, eraser and free transform tools.
Create a Simple 3D Text Metal Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In the following Photoshop tutorial you will learn to create a 3D extrusion from a text layer, apply and modify textures and materials.
Create an Ice Cream Text Effect in Photoshop
In this tutorial you will learn how to create an awesome ice cream text effect! The process is simple enough for any level Photoshop lover. We will use the basic tools and effects along to achieve the final outcome in short time. So let’s begin!
How to Create a Stencil Banner Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
This tutorial will show you how to use shape properties, smart objects, textures, layer styles, and brushes to create a simple, stencil banner text effect. Then, you’ll get to use the Warp command to make the final result look more realistic and give it some more depth.
Create 3D Cracked Concrete Wall Text Effect in Photoshop
In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to create this 3D Cracked Concrete Wall Text Effect in Photoshop. During the creation process, we will use a 3D text rendered in Photoshop, a concrete wall texture and a few particle and cloud brushes to build the effect.
How to Create Letterpress Text Effects in Photoshop
This tutorial will teach you how to create a couple useful letterpress text effects in Photoshop that you can adapt and reuse in almost any project.
Create an Easy 3D Metallic Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
This tutorial will guide you through creating a 3D text using that method, and then styling the different layers you get to create a metallic, retro-looking text effect.
How to Create a Fire Text Effect in Illustrator
In this Illustrator tutorial we will learn how to create a fire text effect using very simple techniques like basic brush and vector shapes.
How to Create a Steel Text Effect in Photoshop
In this Photoshop tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a steel text effect using just a couple of layer styles and textures.
Create a Candy Text Effect in Illustrator
In the following Illustrator tutorial you will learn how to create a detailed candy pattern brush and how to cleverly use it to create a sweet text effect.
How to Create a Realistic Neon Light Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
This tutorial will show you how to modify a brick texture for the background, and then use layer styles with the Pen Tool to add some bright, glowing neon text and a simple cable over it.
Create Unique Neon Text Effect in Photoshop
In this tutorial, I will show you the processes used to created this unique neon text effect in Photoshop. We will be using a number of Photoshop techniques such as layer masking, selection, blending options, pen tool and adjustment layers.
Create a Retro Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
How to Create a Clean, Glossy Plastic Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
This tutorial will show you how to use layer styles, filters, textures, brushes, and adjustment layers to create a shiny, clean plastic text effect in Adobe Photoshop.
Realistic, Aged Cloud Text Effect Using Photoshop Brushes
This tutorial will show you how to use some very basic skills, along with high quality Photoshop brushes, to achieve an ethereal cloud text effect.
Create a Hatched Drop Shadow Text Effect in Illustrator
Hatched drop shadow text effects are becoming more common in typefaces these days – Trend was one of the first to offer a layered font with a faux hatched drop shadow which motivated others to offer them.
How to Create an Oil Paint Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator
The tutorial is composed of two main parts, creating the oil-paint text and creating the tubes. You will start from basic shapes, fill them with some complex linear gradient and then apply the Gaussian blur effect for the results. Next, you will learn how to create tubes using basic blending and vector shape building techniques along with some complex linear gradients.
How to Create a Fun Wiener Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a wiener pattern brush and how to use it to create a nice text illustration.
How to Create a Sand Text Effect Using Adobe Illustrator
In the following steps, you will learn how to create a sand text effect using Adobe Illustrator. For beginners, you will learn how to create a nicely textured background. Using basic tools and effects along with vector shape building techniques, you will learn how to create the main shape.
How to Create Extreme Glossy and Shiny Text Effect in Photoshop Tutorial
In this Photoshop tutorial, we’re going to see how to create extremely glossy and shiny text effect with glitter texture.